By, Mary Williams-Anderson
What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)?
What Causes CAS?
Treatment of CAS
Products frequently used for treating CAS
Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit 1 (basic level)
Contains 225 visual referent speech cards targeting the syllable shapes that children with apraxia of speech need to become effective vocal/verbal communicators. The accompanying 52-page manual explains the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP) methods and how to get children started on the road to combining consonants and vowels to form words.
Word FLIPS for Learning Intelligible Production of Speech
Word FLIPS includes three sections of identical picture words with four tabs in each section that divide the words according to articulatory placement. Begin working on severe CAS by having them repeat identical earlier developing sounds, such as “boo-boo-boo.” Older or more verbal children can practice a variety of sequences, such as “tie-tea-shoe” as a warm-up to practicing sentences.
Proloquo2Go® is an award-winning Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch for people who have difficulty speaking or cannot speak at all. Providing a “voice” to over 50,000 individuals around the world, Proloquo2Go enables people to talk using symbols or typed text in a natural-sounding voice that suits their age and character.