This book was written by a 13-year-old child diagnosed with Autism who lives in Japan. Naoki Higashida uses an alphabet grid to communicate and answer questions set forth. The book is setup in an interview-like fashion with over 100 pages of questions. Naoki’s raw answers to questions, we all wish we could ask of our children on the Autism Spectrum, were like nothing short of thought provoking. Examples of such questions include: “Why do you need cues and prompts?” “Why do you flap your fingers and hands in front of your face?” and “Why are you too sensitive or insensitive to pain?” Naoki’s responses are written referring to both himself, specifically, and children with Autism as a whole. One verse that is repeated and underlying in most answered questions was simply this, “We don’t want you to give up on us. Please, keep battling alongside us.” Tear jerking at times, this book was a good read for insight. Some points were well-received, but some were questioned and very subjective in nature. Overall, we giveĀ The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of A Thirteen-Year-Old Boy With Autism 3.5/5 stars.